The Ideal.
Relegated to the society’s basement.
Not the store room but the junk room,
as few have any plan
to bring the Ideal back up.
The Ideal, which the high lights & reigning intellects never stop
urging us to forsake.

BOOKS in PHILOSOPHY & CULTURE, written by the proprietor, soon to be available through this press. 

Books to honour the Ideal, so long forsaken in this world. 

in preparation

Intolerable Differences

Culture wars,
conflicting liberties:

how did we
lose the plot of our
own tradition of freedom? 


The Books of Because

Received ideas. Default but unexamined ways of thinking. Jacques Ellul calls this “the excrement of society”. 

Can’t we do better?

The Other Story of Philosophy

“Your search – ‘Christian history of philosophy’ – did not match any book results,” said Google.

How can that be?

“How are you going to represent beautify if you’re doing ugly behind that?” 

—NY man to his Business Improvement District employer. Harper’s (July 2018), 28 

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